Alright, Let me get straight to the point (pun intended)
And none, NONE I SAY!, of
my readers are sissys, right?
Alright, I'm kidding ;) But I do have some tips for you to work on so that you can rock your auditions!
One. It's a ballet class. Say to your mind that it is a ballet class. NOT an audition. kapeiche?
Two. Go with your gut. If the panel asks you to be yourself, DO IT! Don't try to be the most appealing to the judges, be yourself! Read my story at the bottom of the post ;)
Three. Imagine yourself doing well. I know you have heard it a million times, but I mean it!
Four. Before the audition, zone out with your fav tunes! No better way to calm down than listening to your own music! Some dancers force themselves to listen to Classical music, to tune themselves to the surroundings, but that never works for me.
Five. Picture yourself a lot older than you really are. Trust me, it works.
Six. Dress the BEST! Wear a cool cardigan or a breezy skirt over your dancewear to put a bucketload of confidence in you pocket!
Seven. Be fresh. No Make-up unless it is required. Nothing on your face whatsoever. Do up a super-sleek performance bun, too.
Eight. Don't muscle your way to the front. The way auditions are organized, EVERYONE will be seen and reviewed. And don't hide in the back either ;)
Nine. Imagine the part you are trying out for. This helps a TON!
Ten. Wanna know my secret? I always eat a granny smith apple right before I go to bed the night before the audition. Don't ask why, but it works!
TTFN! (ta ta for now)
ps: Ok, here is my story from Saturday about going with your gut. One of the judges asked us to walk across that floor, just walking, and act like our favorite dwarf from Snow White. I am the very last person in line, so I have some time to think. At first I wanted to do Doc. But sure enough, almost everyone did Doc! So I changed my mind to Sleepy, and I had a brilliant plan to woo the panel with my wittiness (I wasn't going with my gut and guess what happened) So it was finally my turn, and I get this weird feeling in my stomach. It felt like someone was crumpling newspaper inside of me. I couldn't make any facial expression, so I decided, on the spot, to do Grumpy. So I stomped across the floor about halfway, and stuck my tongue out at the judges and shook my hinee. They started laughing, and I immediately felt better! After the audition, someone said to me that I was the most expressive of all of the "dwarfs". I felt uuubbbeeerrrr good bout that ;)